Wall Paint Color to Make Mauve Countertops Look Less Ugly?

by Elise

New house... and ugly mauve countertops!

New house... and ugly mauve countertops!


I am moving into a new house and the countertops are a mauve/rose color. I don't have the money to change them right now.

What paint color would look best on the walls to help make them blend-in and look less ugly?

I was thinking a dark brown wall color, but would that look bad with the light brown cabinets? And of course, the wallpaper and border is going!


Elise, you have a real color dilemma here!

You see, one of the best ways to blend in a countertop is to use the same color on the walls - but in your case, that would mean pink/mauve kitchen (and I don't think you'd want that).

In addition, the color of your countertop already clashes with the color of your cabinets and woodwork, so this option is out.

Now as far as the dark brown idea, any neutral you choose would have to be pinkish, or red-based (not yellow or green based) in order to help the counter situation - but that would also clash with the cabinets and trim.

Besides, dark brown would make your kitchen look even more dated in the company of the other dated finishes you have there.

So we need to use a real color here - something that has enough red in it to relate to your counters, and enough intensity to distract from them. At the same time, it needs to work with the cabinets/trim and not look pink on the walls.

And that color is lavender, like Winter Gray from Benjamin Moore:

BM Winter Gray paint color

This paint color will make your problem mauve look more like mocha brown. It will also enhance your wood, and bring out its golden tones (because yellow and purple are complements on the color wheel).

To see the effect for yourself, test this color on a sample board and place it where your splashboard would be.

And when it's time to decorate your kitchen, avoid green or yellow objects on the counters (green will make them pinker and yellow will just look wrong).

Instead, go for cool reds and warm blues - and I think you'll be pretty happy with your kitchen until you can afford to update it.

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Winter Gray
by: Anonymous

If I were you, I would go with the lavender color. It really brings a kitchen to life. My sister's kitchen is done in this color and it is very pretty.

No worries
by: Anonymous

I had the same situation with my modular. I painted my kitchen a light beige from the Martha Stewart collection and a green from the same color collection for my living room. Laid Pergo in the living room and the place looks great. Now I just have to get rid of the dated hardware on the cabinets!

Same problem
by: Anonymous

I just moved into a house with the same countertops.... and to make it worse, the previous owners decided to paint the wall a mustard... horrible! I'm so glad I ran across this dilemma! I've been wondering what color to paint the walls and the cabinets. The cabinets are stained a light distressed cream. I would like to do the cabinets white and I think the Winter Gray will be perfect for the walls! Thanks!

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