Interior Paint Color Combinations
For a Small Place

In a small apartment or a small house, interior paint color combinations that are used interexchangeably in different intensities and proportions, will help to create a sense of unity. This tutorial will show you an example of using a 3 color palette for a small place.

When it comes to painting and decorating a small house or apartment, interior paint color combinations based on only 2 or 3 colors can do a lot towards creating a sense of unity and calmness. By linking all the rooms with a common bond of color, you can achieve the effect of spaciousness and flow.

This use of a few colors does not imply monotony, because the colors can vary a lot in intensity, ranging from dark hues to pastel shades. But even if you were to use the same intensities in all of your rooms, you could create sufficient variety by changing the placing of colors, and by using different proportions. In fact, monochromatic paint color palettes are perfect for small living quarters.

Study the following example where a 3-color scheme is used, and you will see what scope is open to you.

Interior Paint Color Combinations
Based on 3 Colors

Let's see what a small house can look like when painted and decorated with only 3 colors - for example, blue, green and a neutral/beige. The blues can run from palest aquamarine to deepest sapphire. The greens can range from apple to forest green. The beiges can be light like sand or deep like muted gold. This palette gives you tremendous scope. There are literally scores of variations from which to choose.

interior paint color combinations for a living room

Your living room can have pale green walls and tinted woodwork. The draperies can be a print of blue, green and white. Your furniture can be upholstered in toned-down light green fabric.The frames of the furniture can be bleached, or have a distressed painted blue or green finish. Natural woods will look well in this room, too. As an accent, you can throw in some cushions in bright blue or green.

interior paint color combinations for a bedroom

Using the same interior paint color combination of blue, green and neutral beige, your bedroom can have ceiling, walls and woodwork of very light and muted green. Bedding, chair upholstery and draperies can be in neutral shades with a print or pattern in deep blue/navy. Accents in a brighter blue will add a nice touch.

interior paint color combinations for a kitchen

In the kitchen, use the same paint color scheme. Paint the ceiling pale blue, and the walls a medium blue shade. The cabinets can be painted a cool cucumber color, and the floor can have a distressed finish in deeper green. Touches of bright blue and green complete the look.

interior paint color combinations for a bathroom

The bathroom will be painted with soft and light shades of blue and mint, creating a relaxing and casual atmosphere.

interior paint color combinations for a hallway

Hallways can be neutral, which is a perfect choice for transitional areas.

Black and white, when used sparingly in the decor, will serve as punctuation marks in such interior paint color combinations.

Paint Color Cheat Sheets
Paint Color Cheat Sheets

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